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A tour by Andalusia Fairs (I)

Andalusian Fairs

Speaking of Andalusia is talking about history, heritage, gastronomy, nature, culture, tradition and great bullfighting fairs

So it is not surprising being one of the preferred destinations for national and international tourists. The fairs in Andalusia have a special flavor; the joy of its people, flamenco and its costumes, its wines, the sun and the love for the bull and the horses mark the most of appointments distributed throughout the season.

Andalusia Fairs

Best of Andalucía.

This is our route:


April Fair is undoubtedly the great fair of the Andalusian calendar and the second most important nationally, after San Isidro in Madrid. Their dates depend on Easter, starting one or two weeks after this. This year will take place from April 15 to 21, although the bullfights begin before and take about thirteen afternoons.

But the season at La Maestranza begins on Easter Sunday with a bullfight that this year will be on April 1. Then, throughout May and June, weekly steer bullfights are celebrated. In July and August there are no bullfights due to the hot weather, and at the end of September the San Miguel Fair takes place with two bullfights. The Sevillian season usually ends with a last celebration on October 12, Spanish Day.


April Fair Andalusia

Horse carrieage by the Royal of Seville.

Jerez de la Frontera

The most international fair in Cádiz, the Horse Fair. It takes place at the beginning of May, this year from 5 to 12 exactly. Lovers of the equestrian world come from any point of the world geography, but the bullfighting is the other great claim since the main figures of the scale fight in its historic bullring during the three afternoons of bullfights.

Jerez Fair, Andalusia

Lights of the Royal of Jerez.


Last week of May, the city of Manolete celebrates the Fair of ‘Nuestra Señora de la Salud’. To all the activity that takes place in the fairground of El Arenal, on the banks of the Guadalquivir, we must add the four bullfighting celebrations at ‘Los Califas’ bullring.



The Corpus Fair is celebrated in the middle of June. The big day is Thursday of Corpus Christi, 60 days after Easter Monday. To flamenco atmosphere, the ornaments, the booths, the processions of ‘La Tarasca’ and the Corpus, we must add the four bullfights that are usually from Thursday to Sunday.


Happy week, bullfighting lovers!

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