Written by 18:27 Illescas, Review

David Galván’s success in an afternoon of delivery at Illescas

David Galván Puerta Grande Illescas - 1 septiembre 2024

Review Illescas - 1 September 2024

The Illescas bullring in Toledo witnessed an afternoon filled with great emotion and dedication, where David Galván emerged as the standout victor, triumphantly exiting through the main gate. In a mixed bullfight featuring bulls from the Pallarés and Benítez Cubero ranches, along with a substitute bull from El Montecillo, the Cádiz-born matador showcased his mastery and composure, winning over the crowd with two performances full of depth and elegance.

The event began with a bull from Benítez Cubero, followed by another from the same ranch, while the third bull was from Pallarés. However, the fifth bull of the afternoon was returned due to its behavior and was replaced by a substitute from El Montecillo, which allowed Galván to demonstrate his ability to overcome challenges in the ring. Galván cut an ear from each of his opponents after receiving a warning in both performances, confirming his exceptional form and strong connection with the audience.

Meanwhile, Francisco José Espada and David de Miranda faced difficult bulls that prevented them from completing their performances. Espada showed determination and courage, managing to cut an ear from his first bull, and was applauded after a warning in his second. David de Miranda, on the other hand, displayed moments of quality and received ovations in both of his appearances, despite not being able to secure any trophies.

A standout moment of the afternoon was the brilliant banderillas tercio (third phase of the fight) by Fernando Sánchez, who doffed his cap after expertly placing the banderillas on the sixth bull, earning a strong ovation from the crowd.

Result of the bullfighting spectacle

Photo Gallery of the Bullfighting Event

Photographs: Ángel Bravo – Maxitoro

Don’t miss the Next Illescas MIlagro Fair 2025, book your tickets in advance and live a unique experience.

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Last modified: 9 September, 2024
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