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3 reasons to enjoy the feast of San Fernando in Aranjuez

The city of Aranjuez in Madrid celebrates the festivities in honor of its patron, San Fernando, around May 30

Between Madrid and Toledo is one of the jewels of our heritage: the ‘Real Sitio’ (royal place) and Villa of Aranjuez. On June 2 and on the occasion of the festivities, a great bullfight will be celebrated in honor of Doña María de las Mercedes de Borbón. The special appointment will also have the presence of his son, Y.M. Don Juan Carlos I.

1. Aranjuez, World Heritage Cultural Landscape

Declared by UNESCO in 2001, the city from Madrid has an exceptional universal value. Thanks to two determining factors, its natural enclave and the historical influence of the Crown, it is one of the places to visit in our country.

Felipe II named it ‘Real Sitio’ in the sixteenth century and began to configure the place with Flemish influence in the planning of the territory and French and Anglo-Chinese in the gardens. Thanks to the water landscape (fruit of the rivers Tajo and Jarama), the architectural and artistic works that depict different historical stages, and ultimately the harmony between nature and the hand of man, Aranjuez has a unique landscape formed by its groves, orchards, gardens such as the Island, the Prince or the Parterre, palaces, wooded walks and the historic center itself.

Landscape of Aranjuez

Cultural landscape of Aranjuez.

2. The Royal Palace

It was commissioned by Felipe II in 1561 to Juan Bautista de Toledo, who at his death would continue Juan de Herrera. Fernando VI and Carlos III would expand it to become what we know today. The Hall of Mirrors, the China Room, the Porcelain Cabinet or its impressive gardens with the ‘Real Casa del Labrador’, are some of the jewels that it hides; and the Museum of Royal Barges and the Museum of Life in the Palace, an essential tour through our Royal History.

Palace of Aranjuez

Royal Palace of Aranjuez.

3. A bicentennial bullring

Historical and Artistic Monument, was built and inaugurated by Carlos IV in 1797 and, therefore, one of the few that remain of the eighteenth century, like those of Seville or Ronda, with which also shares the characteristic of a large arena ring. With capacity for 8,000 spectators, it has a very rich and well-kept interior.

The bullring has a Bullfighting Museum that houses an important collection of objects, documents and historical garments that we can not fail to admire when we go to Aranjuez.

On June 2, with the maximum figures of bullfighting Morante de la Puebla, El Juli and Manzanares in front of the bulls of Jandilla, takes shape the ideal poster to enjoy the Villa and Real Sitio de Aranjuez.

Aranjuez Bullfighting

Poster of the extraordinary bullfight in Aranjuez.

Happy week, bullfighting lovers!

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