Written by 11:25 Bullfighting poster, Fairs

Fair of ‘Nuestra Señora de la Salud’ of Córdoba 2019

Feria de Córdoba

Next May 25 the front of the Arenal fairground will light up, beginning the Fair of Córdoba 2019

From May 25 to June 1 Córdoba will live its great Fair, the festivities in honor of ‘Nuestra Señora de la Salud’ (Our Lady of Health). Until 1994 Victoria Gardens welcomed the booths but, before the growth and the impossibility of expanding the space, moved to the current location. More than a hundred booths, inspired by Cordovan architecture and decorated with care, are filled with flamencas, horsemen, flamenco music, live performances, local cuisine…to enjoy the people from Córdoba and outsiders who fill the fair every year. And the vast majority are public and are wide open to everyone.

Córdoba Fair

The Arenal, fairground of Córdoba.

The front of the Córdoba Fair is inspired, as usual, in the Cathedral Mosque. The polylobulated arches, the horseshoe arches or the tower, are represented in what is the largest portal of Andalusia with 45 meters high and 145 wide. After the lighting, a magnificent fireworks show marks the beginning of the party.

The Bullfighting Fair of Córdoba

The Andalusian city is one of the largest bullfighting tradition and cradle of great figures of bullfighting in our country. Its square, of first category, is the ‘Coso de los Califas’, title that Mariano de Cavia coined and with which five great bullfighters have been baptized: Rafael Guerra ‘Guerrita’, Rafael González ‘Machaquito’, Manuel Rodríguez ‘Manolete’ and Manuel Benítez ‘El Cordobés’; whose bronze busts are in the main entrance of the Bullring.

Four bullfights will be celebrated this 2019, from May 30 to June 2. Two bullfights, one with horses and a berth that will also be a tribute to the Cordovan woman. The combinations;

  • Thursday, May 30: Virgen María bulls for Antonio Ferrera, Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín.
  • Friday the 31st:  bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq for Finito de Córdoba, Morante de la Puebla and El Juli.
  • Saturday 1st June: bulls from Fermín Bohórquez for the horse-bullfighters Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Léa Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza.
  • Sunday 2: berth Homage to the Cordovan Woman.
Córdoba Fair 2019

Poster of Córdoba Fair 2019

Happy week, bullfighting lovers!

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