Written by 11:48 Fairs

Thed Autumn Fair 2019 at Las Ventas

Las Ventas Bullfighting

The Autumn Fair, the second major cycle of Madrid Bullring, will be held during last weekend of September and the first of October

The Monumental de Las Ventas is already preparing the second great event of the Madrid calendar. On September 27, 28 and 29 and October 4, 5 and 6, the Autumn Fair 2019 will take place. A steer-bullfight and five bullfights in which the great winners of the season in Madrid are present.

Fernando Plaza (winner of San Isidro 2019), Tomás Rufo (winner of this summer’s Night Contest) and El Rafi, a young French promise who will make his presentation at Las Ventas, will face a steers from Fuente Ymbro in the celebration that will open the fair. The fighting-bull ranch from Cádiz will be two afternoons, they will also fight a bullfight, the October 4 for El Cid (in which it will be his final farewell to the Madrid fans), Emilio de Justo (winner of the Autumn Fair 2018) and Ginés Marín, who signed two great afternoons last San Isidro Fair cutting ears.

Miguel Ángel Perera and Paco Ureña, also winners of the May cycle, with Puertas Grandes (Main Gates) on May 15 and June 15 respectively, will star hand in hand on September 29 with bulls from Núñez del Cuvillo, Juan Pedro Domecq – Parladé and Victoriano del Río – Toros de Cortés.

Antonio Ferrera opened the Main Door of Alcalá on June 1, in one of the most important and exciting evenings of the Fair, cutting three ears to his lot. On October 5, he will face a historic afternoon, locking himself with six bulls of different irons.

The iron of Adolfo Martín won the prize for the Best Livestock of San Isidro 2019 and returns with a race poster composed of Curro Díaz, Domingo López Chaves and Manuel Escribano, who will return after the serious goring that a bull from the same cattle ranch gave him on May 30, which he fight so well but could not kill.

The poster of the Fair, with 19th-century aesthetics

A poster of the San Sebastián Fair of 1887 has inspired the one that illustrates this year’s Autumn Fair, recalling the aesthetics and classicism of the advertisements of the time, and in the line of classicism and purity with which the company has wanted to provide this end of season cycle in Madrid.


Madrid Autumn Fair

Happy week, bullfighting lovers!

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Tags: , , , , , , , , , , Last modified: 5 October, 2021
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