Written by 13:54 Curiosities, Fairs

Fair of Málaga is ready

The Andalusian city celebrates from 12 to 19 of August its great Fair

August is synonymous of feast. Most of the Spanish geography celebrates during this month its festivities and bullfights are celebrated everywhere. The Fair of August, or simply “Fair of Málaga”, is one of the most important an famous of the summer, both for the party in the city at night and day, and the bullfights in La Malagueta, what makes it an essential event.

The Feria de Málaga has its origin in 1487, when on 19 August the Catholic Kings took the city and incorporated it to the Crown of Castilla. They agreed then to commemorate the date on an annual feast, and from 1491 onwards, the popular festivals were established. That year, a procession was held where the royal palio with which Málaga was won, from the Cathedral to the church of Santiago, and a bullfight. From the s. XVII began to use spectacles of fireworks.

And they arrive to our days like the great party of the summer in the Costa del Sol. They begin with the “pregón” and the fireworks; a “romería” with horses, carriages and people from the city accompany the standard bearer of the fair to the Sanctuary of Victory. The city is full of booths, lanterns, flowers, parades, musical shows with flamenco and copla as great protagonists.

It can be said that in the center there is a day fair, and in the “Cortijo de Torres2, which is the fairground, a night fair, although it maintains activities throughout the day.

The taurine fair is one of the most important and in it act the main bullfighters. This year is made up of nine bullfigts: a steers bullfight, seven bullfights and one with horses.

As news, the “encerrona” of August 16, Fortes alone, with six bulls of different livestocks, and the Corrida Picassiana Crisol, hand in hand of Enrique Ponce and Javier Conde in which musical show is incorporated.

One more year. Therefore, the opportunity to enjoy Malaga full of art and culture.


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