Written by 11:10 Bullfighting parties, fairs and bullfighting customs, Bullfighting poster, Fairs

One of the summer events: the July Fair

Valencia Bullring

Valencia is preparing to re-fill Xàtiva’s Bullring this summer between the 22nd and the 29th of this month during the July Fair

During the month of July, the Mediterranean capital celebrates the July Fair or Fair of San Jaime (festivity of July 25). To find its origin we have to go back to 1871, specifically to July 21 of that year, the date on which the first edition was inaugurated by the City Council. The idea arose to attract visitors and give life to the summer with exhibitions and sale of all kinds of products, coinciding with the collection of the harvest. Pavilions where trade with agriculture and livestock, in addition to a colorful cavalcade were part of that first appointment.

Over the years the appointment was consolidated and in 1891 the Battle of Flowers was established on the last Sunday of July in the Alameda, at the end of the afternoon. It is a particular war in which, women dressed in the typical regional costume, throw colorful flowers to the public from magnificent floats; at the same time that they defend themselves from those that throw them with rackets. In its path is a spectacular carpet of flowers.

Feria de Julio

Carroza en la Batalla de las Flores.

Music concerts of all kinds, including a jazz festival or the International Music Band Contest “Ciudad de Valencia”; fireworks castles; the fair of attractions; street shows; dinners .. are some of the amount of activities that take place in the city.


And, as it could not be otherwise, the Bullfighting Fair.

The July Fair is the second most important serial after Fallas. This year is composed of a bullfight with picadores to be held on Sunday, July 22, and three bullfights on days 27, 28 and 29 of the same month. In addition, the II Taurine Schools Contest is celebrated, with 18 international students, on July 13, 14 and 21.

The commitment of Valencia as a seasonal square, for all kinds of livestock and for giving opportunities to the youngest, is again evident in this great Fair of July 2018.


Feria de Julio


¡feliz semana,


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