Written by 11:03 Fairs

San Lucas Fair, end of the season

Jaén Fair

Jaén Fair is held around October 18, ‘San Lucas’ Day, and closes the Spanish season

The end of the season is approaching and it is Jaén, with its Fair of San Lucas, which puts the finishing touch to the bullfighting year in Spain, which began last January in the Madrid town of Ajalvir.

But San Lucas has not always been the big fair of Jaén since in times it was celebrated by the Virgin of August and in October only a small cattle fair took place. It was a smallpox epidemic in 1805 which caused the August fair to be banned and held in October, coinciding with the cattle show by San Lucas.

It was the Royal Economic Society of the Country that proposed in 1883 the definitive transfer of the Fair to the date of October, with a notable increase in visitors and the status of last fair of the season.

Since 1954 it was held at the Felipe Arche Fairground, located in La Salobreja, but over time it remained small and was definitely relocated in 1998 in ‘La Vestida’, the current fairground. It has capacity for approximately one hundred booths.

In recent years the Day Fair has also been enhanced in the old town. The proclamation and the ride, concerts, performances by the Municipal Band, giants and big heads, theater…are some of the traditional activities that can be enjoyed.

Bullfighting Fair

Bullfighting has always been a very important part of the program, and closing the Spanish calendar makes it very special, with renowned bullfighters who come every year.

Tauroemoción company starts this year managing La Alameda bullring. Two major bullfights are held on October 13 and 19, one on horseback and one on foot, with winners of the season.

San Lucas Fair

Poster of San Lucas Fair 2019.

Happy week, bullfighting lovers!

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Tags: , , , , , , , , , , Last modified: 4 October, 2021
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