Written by 15:17 Fairs

Winners of the season (I)


Once the season is ended, it is time to analyze, highlight and reward the winners

If there is a name that has agreed to professionals and fans this season in Enrique Ponce. The bullfighter from Chiva (Valencia) has signed one of his best campaigns after 28 as a bullfighter behind his back. The last prize that guarantees this way is the National Trophy Cossío 2017.

Enrique Ponce has fighted 41 bullfights, cut 61 ears and four tails, as well as two pardons in the same week of August: ‘Jaráiz’ in the ‘Corrida Crisol’ of Málaga and ‘Juguetón’ in Ciudad Real, both from Daniel Ruiz. His bet in Malaga (a mix of music and bulls) was a historic afternoon of which also was awarded with the ‘Capote de Paseo’ awarded by the City Council to the Best ‘Faena’, sixth time the bullfighter wins it.



Photo from Joserra Lozano.

Puerta Grande in Las Ventas and Bilbao (winner of the Ercilla Prize of the Great Week), which reaffirm his command in bullfighting. But also Cordoba, Teruel, Palencia, Salamanca or Murcia. A long list of exits going out of the bullrings on the shoulders that shows the mastery of the Valencian.


Ginés Marín is another of the indisputable winners of the season. The young bullfighter is the revelation of this 2017, as has also been confirmed by the Cossío National Trophy.
It began by opening the Great Gate of Olivenza and Valencia. And the great blow on the table gave him in San Isidro, cutting both ears to his second of Alcurrucén the afternoon in which confirmed alternative. Triumphant of Madrid’s Fair unanimously, unbeatable.



And then came Pamplona, ​​Santander, Badajoz Almería, Albacete … Going out on shoulders and punctuating in most of the fairs. It has undoubtedly become one of the essential and necessary claim for both quality and youth. There’s Ginés Marín for a while.

Have a nice week, taurins!


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Tags: , , , , , , , Last modified: 24 October, 2017
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