Written by 11:14 Fairs

Fair of the Virgin of San Lorenzo 2019

Valladolid Far

The Fair and Festivities of the Virgin of San Lorenzo 2019, patroness of Valladolid, will be held from September 6 to 15

Our Lady of San Lorenzo, patroness of Valladolid

It has a legend of the eleventh or twelfth century, that a priest brought to Valladolid the image of a virgin from Consuegra (Toledo) protecting her from the persecution of Muslims. Then a pastor discovered her on the banks of the Pisuerga river, in a cave outside Valladolid near the ‘Aguadores’ Gate; that is why she was known for a while as the Virgin of the ‘Aguadores’.

Later, she would be transferred to a hermitage dedicated to San Lorenzo, and there she began to be popularly recognized as the Virgin of San Lorenzo. The current image is made of polychrome wood and represents the Virgin Mary with the Child in her lap.

A recent festivities

For ten days Pucela (as Valladolid is colloquially called) turns to the celebration of the Fair and Festivities of her patroness; but the current dates are very recent. Until 2001, Valladolid celebrated the festivities on the occasion of the end of tillage and the beginning of the harvest, by San Mateo; but the usual rains clouded the celebrations. At the beginning of the 20th century a group of merchants and industrialists already tried to change the date but without luck. Mayor León de la Riva was the one who finally drove the change, and was very positive for the city.

The Proclamation, the ‘chupinazo’ (rocket launched) and the parade of the ‘Peñas’ (kind of clubs) begin the festivities, in which music is key, with large free concerts in the Plaza Mayor and various performances throughout the city. Gastronomy also takes to the streets with the Day Fair. More than one hundred booths from different bars and restaurants offer their ‘tapas’ to drink accompanied by ‘lorencito ’, the typical drink made with wheel wine and Sprite or Seven Up; a Castilian version of the ‘rebujito’.

The parades with the giants of Aunt Melitona and Uncle Tragaldabas, typical since 1946; attractions, fireworks, the Guinness record in which you participate with a new challenge every year; parade, theater … and the Bullfighting Fair!

Feria de Valladolid

Bullfighting Fair of the Virgin of San Lorenzo 2019

The 2019 Bullfighting Fair will run from September 10 to 15 with a total of six festivities: a steer-bullfight, a bullfight with horses and four bullfights. Every day there are reasons not to miss it but, without a doubt, the biggest is the most anticipated hand to hand of the season; Morante de la Puebla and Pablo Aguado.

Virgin of San Lorenzo 2019


Happy week, bullfighting lovers!

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