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The best bullfighters perform again in Segovia

Segovia, in addition to its dazzling history, also boasts of its bullfighting tradition. Indeed, it enjoys one of the oldest bullrings in Spain and undoubtedly the most prestigious in the province. And this year, after the hiatus of 2023, it returns to host bullfights. And with a lineup of utmost importance. There are no excuses to miss it!
Plaza de toros de Segovia


After a hiatus in 2023, the bulls are back for San Pedro at Segovia’s bicentennial bullring, and they return in style, with a lineup of great figures. The Casa Matilla’s offering boasts none other than Sebastián Castella, José María Manzanares, and the Peruvian Andrés Roca Rey, the leading exponent of current bullfighting, who will make his debut at this venerable Castilian arena during this festival.

It is Roca Rey, therefore, who is the main attraction of the lineup, marking his debut in one of the few provincial arenas where this bullfighter from Lima, the true leader of the ranking in recent seasons, has not yet performed. Castella and Manzanares have both fought several times in this ring. The French bullfighter, in particular, has not stepped into it for seven seasons (since 2017, when he triumphantly exited on shoulders), while Manzanares has opened the Grand Door on all three occasions he has participated (2008—to give the alternative to Chechu—2009 and 2018).

The bulls selected for the occasion maintain the level of the lineup, as they bear the iron and badge of El Pilar, a Salamanca-based ranch of Aldeanueva origin, owned by Moisés Fraile Martín, which is one of the most sought-after by elite bullfighters in recent decades, thanks to its consistency in triumph.

Corrida de toros en Segovia
Segovia Aqueduct, Spain

Segovia, the cradle of discerning aficionados and distinguished matadors (among them the brilliant Victoriano de la Serna, the valiant Andrés Hernando, or the mourned Víctor Barrio), has numerous localities in the province with a deep-rooted bullfighting tradition. However, the capital’s arena, privately owned, varies its proposal each year according to the company in charge of organizing the shows. And Funtausa (Casa Matilla) has decided to bet high in 2024 for its first year at the helm of such a prestigious building.

The day of San Pedro (a major day in Segovia and several Castilian provinces) is ideal for strolling through the cobbled streets of this heritage city in the morning, witnessing firsthand its world-famous aqueduct, the emblem and driving force of the city, but not its only attraction, as the house of the peaks, the Plaza del Azoguejo, the main square, which serves as a prelude to the cathedral, or its dazzling Alcázar, are not far behind.

Nor are its Romanesque churches, which you come across, almost unwittingly, as you peacefully traverse its historic center, or even beyond it, for this city, due to its Roman origin, is considered one of the references of this artistic movement. The judiones de La Granja, the suckling pig, and the Segovian punch are the perfect menu to complement the return of the bulls to one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Do not miss the appointment.

Information on the sale of bullfighting tickets for Segovia:

Tickets on the servitoro.com website or by calling +34 96 330 85 93 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6:30pm, or on the WhastApp +34 647 66 93 71.

Jose Miguel Arruego


José Miguel Arruego
Bullfighting journalist

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Last modified: 2 June, 2024
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