Written by 17:10 What is Bullfighting?

To kill or die. The Supreme Luck.

The last third of the bullfight, the third of death. We explain what it consists of
tercio de muerte

The third of death

Last luck in the fight of the brave bull, the peak moment. The triumph, the confirmation of the triumph, the misery or the confirmation of the misery. The works of art are signed, the bulls are killed.


History is full of symbolic and spiritual places dedicated to celebrating Spaces that meant, mean and will mean values ​​and virtues. The luck to kill repeats this Space celebration every time a bullfighter stands in front of a bull to execute death. The scene is overwhelming, the bull with its antlers and the right-handed man with his sword facing each other, naked before a void that continues until execution.


tercio de muerte

The horizontal of the animal contrasts with the verticality of the human being who, to kill, adopts a religious position, the cross. The technique studied to perform luck is a compendium of wisdom acquired rationally and empirically. Three ways of killing have remained: Killing receiving, receiving the bull as Pedro Romero did, killing Volapié or with his feet in the air like the right-hander Joaquín Rodríguez Costillares or killing at the same time as Francisco Arjona Cúchares, who tried to find  the death of the animal at an imaginary midpoint of battle. In all other ways, killing by holding, killing by ripping, or killing the quartet are treated as derivatives of one of the three mentioned. Even so, this compendium of wisdom is deeply linked to the animal nature of the human being and not every time the apprehended laws are followed. That they have not got horned for forgetting the healthy theory in the heat of the war.


The Space where everything happens makes us confess, that we recollect ourselves, that we live and that we feel life in a more intimate and real way. For being a space in transition between the static and the dynamic. Because the stillness of the moment is as ephemeral as life and gives way to movement that ends in a violent, solemn and deadly encounter. Unlike architecture, sculpture and painting, bullfighting and specifically the luck to kill, combines movement with stillness in a real and not feigned way.


Kill or die. Time before an emptiness whose doors are dominated by two pythons. So it must be.

tercio de muerte
Gonzalo ortigosa yoldi


Gonzalo Ortigosa Yoldi
Cultural Manager

Upcoming bullfighting events

Consult the calendar of bullfights in Spain: Seville, Valencia, Madrid… more than 150 bullrings and bullfighting shows.

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Last modified: 25 February, 2024
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