Written by 12:51 Fairs

Aranjuez: A Splendid Uprising

The Aranjuez Uprising Bullfight in 2024 is packed with attractions. Top matadors, the season’s most successful livestock, and a unique staging that reflects the festival's status and the rich history of its bicentennial bullring. It’s simply unmissable.

Aranjuez riot fair september 7, 2024

The Aranjuez Uprising has been recognized as an International Tourist Interest Festival since 2014. At the beginning of September, this riverside town commemorates pivotal events in Spanish history that took place on its streets: the fall of Minister Godoy and the abdication of King Carlos IV in favor of his son, Fernando VII.


Various reenactments of these events are performed by actors and locals at strategic points in the Royal Site and Town, such as the parade ground of the splendid Royal Palace or the Palace of San Antonio. Naturally, one of the main events of this festival is a bullfight.


The Aranjuez Uprising Bullfight is often Goyaesque in nature. The setting of its bicentennial bullring, one of the oldest in Spain, is perfect for this type of spectacle. Additionally, the stands are specially decorated for the occasion with shawls and motifs from the era, while several locals recreate scenes from the Uprising before the bullfighters enter the ring, giving the event a unique staging.


Traditionally, this date was considered the “poor relation” to the San Fernando lineup, as top bullfighters prefer to perform in Aranjuez in May and are hesitant to do so in September, a month filled with bullfights and festivities across Spain. However, in 2024, the company Circuitos Taurinos has managed to enhance the prestige and quality of this bullfight by bringing together three top matadors for this festival.


None other than Morante de la Puebla (in his only appearance in the Madrid region at the end of the season), Alejandro Talavante, and Daniel Luque are scheduled to perform on Saturday, September 7th in Aranjuez. This lineup rivals those of San Fernando and features the most celebrated livestock of the season, Santiago Domecq Bohórquez, whose bulls have won awards in Seville, Madrid, and recently in Dax, where two bulls were paraded around the ring and one, named “Delicado,” was pardoned.


All the elements are in place to ensure that the 2024 Uprising in Aranjuez is a resounding success, including from a bullfighting perspective. Those who visit the banks of the Tagus to witness this event can also enjoy a full parallel program before and after, featuring various concerts, fireworks, a medieval market, a communal paella, and especially the traditional pirate descent down the Tagus, which this year takes place on Sunday, September 8th. There’s no better way to end the summer on a high note.

Plaza de toros de Aranjuez, Madrid - Servitoro

Ticket sales from the portal servitoro.com or by calling +34 96 330 85 93 from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm, or on the WhastApp +34 647 66 93 71

Jose Miguel Arruego


José Miguel Arruego
Bullfighting journalist

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Last modified: 27 August, 2024
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